Friday, January 19, 2007

First week in the parish

The first week of ordained ministry. Hmmmm....unpacking boxes of books (too many books, not enough shelves), ordering a girl-sized desk, setting up decor. These are things one should do during one's first week of pastoring. However, I don't recommend the following activities...and I'm speaking from experience:
  • Getting pulled over by Jerusalem's finest for going 43 in a 25mph zone just on the edge of town (at least I didn't get a ticket...) I can hear the comments in the cars of passersby now, "Hey, Flo, isn't that our new pastor talking to that cop?!"
  • Locking your keys in the secretary's office.
  • Tipping the full paper shredder over while rearranging your office.
  • Bumping into your organist's car because you're not used to anyone parking next to you. Then, having to go interrupt choir practice to ask who owns the white Grand Am.
Being a pastor is a bit of a trip. The amazing amount of deference and respect is mind blowing (and feels undeserved). People have an eagerness to seek my opinion and input. I can't help but recall Mark's post when he talked about wondering when people might call his bluff. Yep, I can relate. Overall, though, I love my congregation, and I am so glad I am here. They are a great group of people and the area clergy seem like a great group of colleagues.

This morning, I said the Words of Institution as a pastor for the first time. There is something poetic and appropriate from a Lutheran theology standpoint about saying them for a woman on hospice care. She has a radiant name and an amazing presence that lent sunshine to the dark winter day of both her life and today's weather. I feel lucky to have met her.

Sunday's sermon is not yet written and, early next week, I've got my first funeral. It's for the matriarch of the congregation whose son is a pastor. Nothing like a big crowd and a little old lady's funeral to get the adrenaline pumping.

Life at home is chaotic but good. There are still far too many boxes to unpack, and we're eating off a card table because the beautiful table cannot be set up until the couch that didn't fit up the stairs is donated to the youth room.

Life is good but life is busy.


Shana said...

oh skdo! i can't believe you tipped over the paper shredder!!!!! that's it, you're not going ot make it to week 2. ;)

also, now that you're ordained, i'm going to start asking you to write recommendations for me, since now people take you seriously. ok? ok.

missing you at the castle...

mark said...

sounds like you are off to an amazing start!