Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A weed or a plant of beauty?

Attention all botanists!!! What is this organic gem growing all over my side yard?

(Thanks to all who commented. I now know I'm blessed with hollyhocks along the side of my house.)


Shana said...

OH MY LORD! those are hollyhocks, they're beautiful, they're bi-annuals and they should probably reseed themselves and also, i love them. if you pull them, we probably can't be friends anymore. sorry.

Anonymous said...


They are hollyhocks! A plant whose flowers I used to use to decorate my mud pies when I was a kid. They always grew in the alley. They must be indigenous to the midwest. I look forward to your visit this summer. Hope things go well.


mark said...

i'm gonna say that they are hollyhocks.

just a guess.