Thursday, March 15, 2007

Coming Up for Air

How am I? Well, I'm trying to be good natured, pastoral, patient, creative and wise. Instead, I find myself overworked, in debt, and emotionally spent. I want my mommy to come and save the day. Instead, she's awaiting divorce mediation scheduled for the 23rd.

Since beginning at Jordan in Jerusalem, not one week has gone by where my boys have been healthy. Each week, someone has stayed home sick at least one day. This week is no different. On Tuesday night (or shall I say Wednesday morning) at 1 a.m., Minky's repaglarity must have been all off - he woke up crying and in pain with an ear infection. He stayed home yesterday and was high maintenance. This morning, Sony felt like "someone was cutting his stomach with a knife from the inside." (Don't think he watches too much TV to come up with that one, do you?) He's home today....or rather, sitting on my guest chair in my office playing his DS. The doctor ran a bunch of tests and said he shouldn't go to school until the tests are back. It's now nearly 1:00 and I haven't heard from her...I don't think he's going to school.

I wish things were better. I know they'll get better. Right now, life kind of sucks. Life as a pastor is managable for the most part - it's the family stuff that's wearing on me. Oh, and the house in need of interior design and repainting, and the garage that needs to be rebuilt, and the mounting medical bills, and the laundry, and the dishes, and the van making a weird noise when I turn left, and not having any deep friendships nearby, and, get the picture.


mark said...


Em said...

Hope it has gotten better! Hugs and drinks :) Em

Tara Ulrich said...

((((Skdo))) I wish I were near by so I could come to your rescue. Know I am thinking of you lots.