Wednesday, October 11, 2006

According to my watch, the time is now

Aahhh...these days don't happen every day. A new Jimmy Buffett album, what could be sweeter (besides Mark)? Upon first listen, it sounds great and makes me want to head to warmer weather.

I remember the album release in 1999. I went to my mom's group and my friend, Eileen, took CH home with her because I had an OB appointment. I got to the doctor and found out I'd been walking around 5 cm dialated. My doctor was stunned, shocked, amazed. I had only had one contraction that day yet somehow I was 1/2 way ready to give birth to TT. My first reaction, honestly, was, "Well can I run to Target to pick up the new Buffett CD before I check into the hospital?" Any Parrothead would be proud of me for this, any non-Parrothead finds it disconcerting. The question landed me in a wheelchair on my way to maternity ward. The new CD would have to wait until some benevolent soul bought it for me the following day. I think it was my mom....Mom, was it you?

Other miracles and gifts from God today:
In other news, and this is a miracle, TT did all his vision homework and his reading homework for me today. For those of you who don't know, I had gotten to the point of paying a local teen to do homework with TT because he flat out won't work with me. It becomes frustrating for everyone. However, KK is busy this week and on my mad rush to work this morning, a thought occurred to me: why not try using a classroom at the Castle? Less distration, no alluring TV or gameboy... Well, much to my suprise and thrill, it worked!!!! TT was so proud of himself! It was wonderful to see. We treated ourselves to Cowtails. YUM! When we finished, I think he told the first 10 people he saw. I love this community! They all cheered him on and congratulated him. It was great.

The job continues to go well, although I was 20 minutes late this morning (due to carpool). Yeah, imagine a bunch of teachers and school office staff when you show up late for work. It's worse than trying to pull off the "dog ate my homework" schtick. Is that how you spell schtick? Come to think of it, is schtick even a real word?

Countdown to Buffett concert: 8 days including today


Susan Miller said...

Way to go, TT! And ahhh...Jimmy Buffett just takes you to the ocean, doesn't he? You gotta love that guy!

mark said...

i'm cheering from here!

how's the birdfeeder holding up?

Skdo said...

Birdfeeder is looking great. The birds are even using it!!!! :)