Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Gospel from the Coast

Here are some selected shots from SB days. Heck, as long as I've got a bonus day, I might as well upload the rest of the pics and share them with y'all.

The first two shots on the left are from Super Rica - awesome Mexican food where the gal grabs into the dough and your tortillas are thrown on the grill when you order your meal.

This afternoon, I napped while Journey Girl took the kids to the pumpkin patch. Then, Little Mister and I headed to Shoreline Beach for a long walk along the waves. We collected shells and beach trinkets and then we created the rock/shell/lobster tail diaorama on the right. After that, I shot the other scenes on the right.

Under the Super Rica pics on the left is a picture of the SB airport baggage "terminal." Isn't it a hoot? It's got one long metal shelf where the bags are set. And,
yes, the baggage claim is OUTSIDE!

Umm...yeah. The bottom right pic is of an anemone [uh-nem-uh-nee]. You stick your finger in them and they close around it. Pretty cool. Sometimes they even squirt at you. Shana didn't know what it was or what you did with it, so I thought I should explain. For someone who's lived abroad, she can sure be a naive Midwest girl some days. Gotta love her.

1 comment:

Susan Miller said...
